Why do you spend so long making a CV, but pay zero attention your LinkedIn profile?


Why do you spend so long making a CV, but pay zero attention your LinkedIn profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is the most public CV you will ever have. Like it or not, your page is out there and it's being scrutinised So, what should you putting on here?

Here are my 5 recommended areas to focus on:


Make it clear what you actually do, add some personality if you like. Do you really need to add a 🚀? And Entrepreneur isn’t a job title!


This is the ‘personal’ section on your CV – Provide some details about your role, your industry and current company. If you're openly active, tell us what you’re looking for. Get your contact details in here. Email and/or number


Have you produced any content you want to share? If yes add it, if not… don’t force it, leave blank


Personally, I like a ‘15 second pitch’ on what all the companies you’ve worked for do. Tell us about your key achievements – include your performance against target, highlight your biggest wins. Are you a top performer? Get it on there. Put the months on there, nothing is more annoying than trying to work out if you worked there for 1 or 11 months


Ask for them. No one sells you better than a customer singing your praises on a public forum!


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